JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
The Jablotron CC-02 cable
is designed for branches from the main BUS line or for the connection
of elements with a low consumption (detectors) or for short distances. The cable has 4 wires (the colours
correspond to the BUS colour). All the wires of the CC-02 cable have the same core cross-section (0.2 mm²).
The cable is supplied in packs per 300 m.
The Jablotron CC-03 cable
is designed for the main BUS line, or the connection of elements with a high
consumption (siren) or remote elements. The cable has 8 wires (8-wire) that are split as follows: The power
supply conductors (red and black) have a bigger cross-section of 0.7 mm
, the communication wires (green and
yellow) for the system BUS and auxiliary wires (brown and grey, white and blue) have the cross-section
of 0.3 mm
. The auxiliary wires can be used as loops of magnetic detectors or tamper contacts. The cable
is supplied in packs per 250 m.
BUS layout
When interconnecting individual parts of the system – detectors, keypads, sirens, output modules etc. you can
route the BUS cable in the shortest possible direction regardless of the system parts that the used elements
belong to. The BUS can branch as necessary. It can have a linear (Daisy-chain), Star or tree structure (Daisy-
chain&Star). In real-life installation a combination of these three options is usually the most convenient choice.
Examples of possible wiring layouts of the BUS:
Daisy-chain (linear BUS structure)
Star BUS structure
Daisy-chain & Star (tree BUS structure)
The BUS cable
must not
be connected in such a way to create a
closed loop
of any wire (the ends of individual
branches must never be interconnected and the common GND wire must not be interconnected either.
BUS branching and splitting
For branching and splitting of the BUS you can conveniently use a
JA-110Z BUS splitter
. It is produced
in four variants: the JA-110Z, JA110Z-A, JA110Z-B and JA110Z-C. The JA-110Z is supplied in an installation
box meant to be installed on a surface and equipped with front and rear tamper contacts to detect unwanted
manipulation. It occupies one position in the system. All the terminals of the same colour are interconnected
on the splitter PCB. Variants A and B are prepared with their dimensions for installation in the JA-190PL
versatile assembly box. Variant C is prepared with its dimensions for installation in a standard KU-68 electric
installation box.
Variants of interconnection terminal boards:
BUS length and numbers of connected devices
The maximum length of one BUS without boosting (separation) is 500 m. The length is calculated as the sum
of the length of all the cables between all the connected devices. The JA-106K control panels have two
separate BUS branches, i.e. the total length of both the BUS lines can be 2x500 m. You are recommended
to distribute its addressed BUS devices equally between both the BUS lines, i.e. maximum 60 devices per either
The number of connected BUS devices is limited by the capacity of the backup battery of the control panel.
To meet the standard for security level 2, in case of a 230 V mains failure the system must reliably work for
at least 12 hours being powered by the backup source. Thus, the total consumption of all the BUS devices must