JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
GSM communicator
– provides connection to a mobile phone network and the Internet. Thus, the system
may transmit data to the alarm receiving centre (ARC). The communicator provides remote access
to the control panel with the use of the F-Link (J-Link) software, reporting events to users, remote control
of the system. Control panels equipped with a 3G GSM module enable faster data transmission independently
of voice services (during a call or ringing etc.).
LAN communicator
– if included in the control panel, it provides fast remote access by F-Link and J-Link SW
and it can also transmit data to an alarm receiving centre (ARC) or to the MyJABLOTRON service
that is equipped with reception technology for the JABLOTRON protocol. In the control panel settings you can
select which communication type will be primary and which will be used as a backup.
Phone communicator
– it can be installed in the control panel as a supplementary module for analogue
PSTN phone lines. It is able to transmit data to the alarm receiving centre in the standard phone formats (CID
and SIA). It can also report events to users (by calling) and supports the system remote control using the voice
menu. The phone module is usually used as backup for the GSM or LAN communications. The module can also
communicate to a phone line simulated by radio transmitter.
– a system can be split into parts ‘Sections’ which can be set and unset independently. A section may
also be a separate apartment in an apartment building, a store in a shopping mall or department in some
company or office building. Section interdependency can be set on the way it reminds you it is protected by your
own control panel (access rights, reports, displaying things on the keypad, acoustic indication,
the MyJABLOTRON service,…).
Common section
– is a separate section designed to be a subsection for a selected group of other sections.
When the master section is set as a last one, the common section is then set automatically. When a first master
section is unset then the common section is unset as well. The purpose is to secure areas such as halls, toilets,
kitchens in companies, etc.
Common segment
– this is a function of an access module or keypad that allows you to use one segment set
for the selection of a common segment A or B (there may be up to two) to control other present segments
of the particular keypad at the same time. This function can only be used to control sections and it only
becomes available when at least three segments are used.
Partial set
– is adjustable for each section separately. If partial set is on, the system does not react
to intrusion detectors with the parameter “internal” set (i.e. monitor the indoor space). Thus, for example
movement is allowed in the residential part of the house, but the system triggers an alarm or entrance delay
when there is entry through a door or motion in a garage, cellar, etc. If a section is set completely, it reacts
to activation of all detectors that are assigned to it.
– active status of devices or a fault present in the system is confirmed during system setting.
The status of active inputs is ignored after a bypass until they go to stand-by (deactivated). When inputs
go to standby (are deactivated) they are included with guarding. By bypassing system faults the user confirms
that it has been recognized, but it doesn´t change its status (a fault is still present in the system). The function
depends on the option given by the parameter Ways of setting.
- it blocks an active device input to activate a PG output or to perform any reaction activation.
Perform blocking manually by an LCD keypad, J-Link or F-Link or via the MyJABLOTRON app. So this way it is
possible to block a device input anytime not during the setting procedure. The function depends on the option
given by the parameter Ways of setting.
– automatic bypass of the system reaction to a device according to options. Input activation after
3x activations or 3x alarms (optional).
– this option serves for temporarily manual disabling selected sections, devices, users,
programmable outputs (PG) or calendar actions. The section to which the control panel is assigned (always
section 1) cannot by disabled and this is true for the Service code at position 0 and Administrator’s code
at position 1 too. For devices we distinguish Blocking (it is only about input activation) and Disabling the device,
see chapter 9.16 Disabling and blocking options.
Ways of setting
– selection of the level of the system setting procedure. Options are from the lowest level
where the system doesn´t check anything (always sets) up to the highest level where the system doesn´t allow
you to set if any device is activated (for example an open window), see chapter 9.11 Obstacles preventing
setting the system.
Event history
– the system records occurring events in its memory. The contents of the memory can be
viewed from the F-Link (J-Link) SW using the “Event history” key. The beginning of an event is usually
registered as Activation (status of a device, fault, tampering etc.) and the end of an event as Deactivation.
Statuses of sections are registered as Set / Unset, alarm statuses as Alarm / Alarm expiration, Alarm silencing
or Alarm Cancellation.