JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Authorisation of users
Everyone who can control a security system or perform any setting is called a User of the system. The first
pre-set user with almost the highest authority and who cannot be erased is called the Service code. The second
pre-set code which cannot be erased is the Main Administrator. Other users which can be added can also
be simply erased and they have adjustable authorisation.
Type Description
ARC code
This code has the highest level of authorization to configure the system’s behaviour and is exclusively allowed
to perform the system unblock after a triggered alarm. It can enter Service mode, access all tabs with options
including ARC communication to which it can deny access to a Service technician (Service code). As long as
the “Administrator-restricted Service/ARC right” parameter remains unchecked, the ARC code can control all
sections and PG outputs used in the system. This code enables to add more Administrators and other users
with a lower level of authorization assign them with codes, RFID tags and cards. It also has a permission
to erase alarm and tamper alarm memory. The number of ARC codes is limited only by remaining capacity
of the control panel.
Service code
It can enter Service mode and configure the system’s behaviour. It has access to all tabs with options including
ARC communication unless the access is limited by the ARC technician. As long as the “Administrator-
restricted Service/ARC right” parameter remains unchecked, the Service code can control all sections and PG
outputs used in the system. It can create a user with ARC permission, other Service technicians, Administrators
and other users with a lower level of authorization and assign them with access codes, RFID tags and cards.
The number of Service codes is limited only by remaining capacity of the control panel. By the factory defaults,
the code is 0*1010 and it can’t be erased.
This code has always full access to all sections and is authorized to control all PG outputs. The Administrator
can create other Administrator and other codes with a lower level of authorization and assign them with access
to sections and PG outputs, access codes, RFID chips and cards. Has permission to erase the alarm memory.
There can be only one main Administrator code which can’t be erased. When “Administrator-restricted
Service/ARC right” is enabled, the administrator code must be authorized as to confirm access. By the factory
defaults, the code is 1*1234.
Has access to sections selected by the main Administrator to which the other Administrator can add new users
with the same or lower level of authorization to control sections and PG outputs, assign them with access
codes, RFID tags and cards. Has permission to erase the alarm memory in assigned sections.
When “Administrator-restricted Service/ARC right” is enabled, the administrator code must be authorized
as to confirm access. The number of Administrator codes (other) is limited only by remaining capacity
of the control panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
This code has access to sections and PG control rights assigned by an Administrator. Users can add/delete
their RFID tags and access cards and change their telephone numbers. It has permission to erase the alarm
memory in assigned sections. Users can change their codes provided that the system uses Codes with
prefixes. Selected users may have their access to sections limited by a schedule. The number of User codes
is limited only by remaining capacity of the control panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
This code is allowed only to set a designated section. Users with this level of authorization are not allowed
to change their code and are not allowed to erase the alarm memory. The number of Set codes is limited only
by remaining capacity of the control panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
PG only
Allows the user to control programmable outputs with authorization only. This applies to both switching
on and off. Users with this level of authorization are not allowed to change their code and are not allowed
to erase the alarm memory. The number of PG only codes is limited only by remaining capacity of the control
panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
This code is allowed only to trigger Panic alarm. A user of this code is not allowed to change it or erase
the alarm memory. The number of Panic codes is limited only by remaining capacity of the control panel.
There is no code set by the factory defaults.
Guard Code
This is a code for a security agency. This level of authorization allows to set the whole system. However
the guard code can unset the system only during alarm or after it as long as the alarm memory is still active.
A user of this code is not allowed to change it or erase the alarm memory. The number of Guard codes is
limited only by remaining capacity of the control panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
Unblocking code
This code is designated to unblock the system after System blocking by alarm. A user of this code is not
allowed to change it or erase the alarm memory. The number of Unblocking codes is limited only by remaining
capacity of the control panel. There is no code set by the factory defaults.
Creating new users and the administration of their authorization level is done by F-Link or J-Link software.
System optional parameters
Code with prefix
– This function determines the way of entering all access codes during user´s authorization.
When enabled the system requires entering of a 1 or 3-digit prefix followed by * before you enter your 4,6 or 8