JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
9.14 System acoustic indication
Acoustic indication of the system can indicate not only alarm status but also inform about other statuses or
status changes. For an acoustic indication overview see the following tables:
Acoustic indication by keypad / reader:
Action description
One short beep
Button pressing confirmation
One long beep
Segment activation, setting a section or switching on a PG
Two long beeps
Segment deactivation, unsetting a section or switching off a PG
Two long repeated beeps
Unsuccessful setting
Three long beeps
Section unsetting with alarm memory indication
Permanent beeping
Exit delay
Continuous beeping
Entrance delay
Acoustic indication by indoor / outdoor sirens:
Action description
One short beep
Section setting
PG output switching ON
Two short beeps
Section unsetting
PG output switching OFF
Three short beeps
Section unsetting with alarm memory indication
Unsuccessful setting
Setting with an active zone (until FW 13 only)
Permanent rapid beeping
PG status indication – quick beeping
Permanent slow beeping
Exit delay
PG status indication – slow beeping
Continuous squeaking
Entrance delay
PG status indication – permanent squeaking
Alarm in a section
Acoustic indication of fire detectors (smoke, temperature, gas):
Action description
Permanent rapid beeping
Fire alarm
Permanent whooping
9.15 Time limited access for users
The time limited access function is
meant for selected users split into up to 4
groups. To these groups they can be
added various “time authorizations” for
access to assigned areas (sections)
according to the weekly calendar.
That allows every group of users blocking
or unsetting a selected section in two time
frames (Interval 1 and Interval 2) for every
day. The main purpose of this is for larger
companies when there could be workers,
heads and managers or in a kindergarten,
cleaning ladies, chefs, teachers and
parents with their children.
Every system user whom should have limited access according to the pre-set calendar has an enabled option
i.e. “Time limited access” by the option from “Access 1” to “Access 4” and it represents every single group
of users.