JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Access code (4, 6, or 8-digit number with or without a prefix)
RFID card/tag (up to 2 positions for RFID identification elements)
Telephone number for authorization during remote accessing by telephone call or by SMS
To adjust the security level the authorization level can be pre-set at the following 3 levels:
– authorization is performed by applying an RFID card or entering a valid access code
Card confirmation with a code
– A user code confirmed by an RFID card is required to be applied (their
order doesn´t matter). If users have either cards or codes, they will authorize themselves according
to the Standard option so authorization by one of them is enough. When remote access is performed,
the telephone number is verified first and as confirmation it is obligatory to enter a valid access code.
In this case double authorization can be used for some users with a higher level of supervision
and for some just standard authorization can be required.
Double authorization
- Entering a user code and using an RFID card will accomplish valid authorization
(regardless of the order of authorization). During remote access the telephone number is always verified
and entry of a valid access code as well. F-Link monitors whether a code and a card are assigned to a user
in the Users tab (otherwise F-Link won't allow you to save the configuration).
: Confirmation of a user code by an RFID card reduces the risk of unauthorized operation
or overcoming the system by a third party.
System control by keypad
The best way to control a security system and its monitoring is using a system keypad where thanks to a
colour LED indicator of the main control button faults and alarms can be checked and using other control
segments the status of sections and PG outputs can be controlled and also system options such as alarm
memory indication, triggering a panic alarm or health troubles. Using an LCD keypad you can browse through
the internal menu to get information about faults, events, active or bypassed detectors or detectors preventing
the system being set – everything after particular authorization. No authorization = no access to the keypad
menu and according to the individual keypad settings visibility of particular segments can be supressed and it
protects the system against unauthorised operation.
Setting and unsetting the sections is a very basic function of the system keypad. The system can be set fully
or partially. The system can be controlled from the LCD keypad menu or by control segments. Using segments
you can perform setting according to their settings; fully or partially and with authorization (who performed
setting a specific section is recorded in the event log) or also without it (no code required and in the event log it
is not specified who set the system). For unsetting the system authorization is always required so in the event
log it is recorded who unset the system.
The setting procedure can be performed in the following two ways:
1. Full section setting before you leave the protected premises (no one else in the premises):
For system control from a keypad placed in protected premises it is necessary to ensure an exit and entrance
path protected by detectors with a delayed reaction. Delay and Next delay zones are not included in guarding
immediately after section setting but zones with an Instant reaction are included. The user has to be able
to leave the protected premises after system setting before the exit delay time expires. And when the entrance
delay is triggered by a delay zone the user has to be able go through the entrance path to the keypad from
which to perform system unsetting. If the user doesn´t unset the section in time (entrance time expired),
the system triggers an alarm in the delayed zone. If intrusion is performed by a different path than the entrance
path, the system triggers an alarm in an instant zone – it activates the siren immediately. A fully set
system/section is indicated by a red coloured control segment or by a full square with the number of the section
on the LCD keypad.
2. Partial setting, user stays in the premises:
When the system is set partially, the user stays in the protected premises and only perimeter protection
is included for guarding (it ensures free movement inside the premises). There are 2 variants of control:
a) Control from a keypad placed inside the protected premises with perimeter protection (entrance hall,
etc.). All detectors in the entrance hall have to be pre-set to a Delay reaction to ensure that when
the system is set their activation triggers some time for entry to unset the system.
b) Control from a keypad placed outside protected premises with perimeter protection (internal hall, stairs,
bedroom, etc.). This variant doesn´t allow the entrance of any person without instant alarm triggering.
The premises can be entered by previous unsetting by remote controller, by voice menu, by SMS or via
the MyJABLOTRON app. Detectors are pre-set to an Instant / Delay A reaction in this case.
Partial setting is indicated by a yellow colour on the segment or by a square around the digit on the LCD
keypad display.