JA-101K(-LAN)(-LAN3G) and JA-106K(-3G)
Security System Control Panels
Users’ access rights
– defines the user authorization access level. You can modify user access rights
to which part of the protected premises they can control and also control by means of programmable (PG)
outputs. The users prove their identity by applying a contactless tag or entering a code using a keypad.
– (Master) a required number of administrators can be defined in the system, they can assign
access rights to standard users. Different sections in the building may have different administrators.
In the default setting there is one main administrator of the system, who is always authorized to set access
rights for all users (default code 1*1234).
Service technician
– A special service code (default setting 0*1010). With this code the technician
is authorized to adjust all features of the system. There may be more than one authorized service technician
(if required). The access of a service technician may be conditional on the administrator’s approval. A special
case of service authorization is a technician of the Alarm Receiving Centre (also referred to as ‘ARC’
in the texts). This technician can use his code (F-Link menu: Settings / Users / User authorization = ARC)
to lock access to settings of the parameters of communication with the Alarm Receiving Centre.
F-Link (J-Link)
To program the system, a computer with a ‘Windows’ operating system (WIN XP SP3
or higher) is necessary. The control panel can be connected to the computer locally using a USB cable
or remotely from a computer connected to the Internet. All features are set using the computer and the F-Link
software. This software is exclusively designed for trained technicians. Access to it cannot be granted
to an administrator or end user of the system. For this purpose a simplified version of this software (J-Link) is
designed, which gives system administrators access to some settings (user management, diagnostics, setting
of scheduled events, reading the event history).
Service mode
– is the mode in which complete configuration of the system can be modified. Only a service
technician (or an ARC technician) can enter the system into service mode. This can be done by using a keypad
with an LCD display, local connection of the control panel and PC (with a USB cable) or remote access via
the Internet. In the SERVICE mode the system is completely out of operation (it does not do any monitoring
and does not provide any user functions, e.g. control of programmable PG outputs). The service technician may
adjust a significant part of the system features during operation (ie. without having to switch the system over
to the SERVICE mode).
Control of appliances
– the system has programmable PG outputs that can be used to switch various
devices on and off. An output can be controlled using the keypad segments, by activation of detectors, remote
controllers, by an event in the system (e.g. setting a section, alarm triggering,…), by a calendar action, using
an SMS command, by ringing of an authorized user or through access from the MyJABLOTRON web
application. Activation of a PG output can also be blocked by a status of a section or detector. Activation
of a PG output can also be, besides optical indication, indicated acoustically (by a siren). Activation and
deactivation of an output can be reported to users using an SMS or to the alarm receiving centre by data
transfer (or to the MyJABLOTRON service).
Door lock control
– an electric door lock (connected to a PG output) can be opened by application
of a tag or entering of a code using a keypad. Each user can be assigned to a door he / she is authorized
to open. An output can be blocked by a set section so there is no danger of somebody entering an area
if it is guarded (set). Opening of a door by user authorization can be recorded in the system event history.
Schedule of automatic events (Calendar)
– using the weekly schedule automatic guarding (setting / partial
setting / unsetting) of sections and control of PG (activation / deactivation, blocking / unblocking) programmable
outputs can be programmed. The yearly schedule can be used to set deviations from the weekly schedule
(e.g. state holidays, personal holidays). The yearly schedule can be set for the current and following year.
BUS devices
– are connected to the system using a BUS cable (4-wire). The BUS ensures power supply
as well as communication. BUS devices (detectors, keypads, sirens etc.) require enrollment to a position
(address) in the system for their function. However, there are also devices that are only connected and work
without being enrolled on a position (some PG output modules, status indicators, BUS isolators etc.).
Wireless devices
– to ensure communication, the control panel must be equipped with a radio module
and the wireless devices (detectors, keypads, sirens etc.) must be enrolled to a position (address)
in the system. However, there may also be devices in the system that do not occupy system positions (they are
used for reception only and do not report to the control panel), e.g. modules of PG outputs. To cover the area
of a larger site up to 3 radio modules can be installed in the system (connected with a BUS cable). The control
panel regularly checks the activity of selected wireless devices (the Supervision parameter) and also checks
current state of batteries. If communication with a wireless device is lost, the control panel indicates
communication fault. Radio modules check RF jamming/interference on the JABLOTRON 100 system
communication band. If the band is jammed, the system triggers a Fault.
Intrusion detectors
– a group of detectors designed to identify the intruder. It includes detectors of motion,
opening, glass breaking, tilt or shock detectors. If they have set reactions for releasing a delayed or immediate
alarm and its variations (e.g. repeated or confirmed) it determines how the detector is going to react
to its activation. Fire, gas, flood or panic reaction detectors do not belong to the group of intrusion detectors.