Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.3
Intel Confidential
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Intel
Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides technical
details on the functional architecture and feature set of the server board.
1.2 Audience
This document is intended for technical personnel requiring a technical overview of the Server
Board SE7520BD2. Familiarity with the personal computer, Intel® server architecture, Intel®
processor architecture, memory technologies and the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
local bus architecture is assumed.
1.3 Document
This document is composed of the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Product Overview
Chapter 3: Board Architecture
Chapter 4: BIOS
Chapter 5: Platform Management Architecture
Chapter 6: Error Reporting and Handling
Chapter 7: Connector Pin-outs and Jumper Blocks
Chapter 8: Environmental Specifications
Chapter 9: Other Useful Information
1.4 Additional
For additional information on the Server Board SE7520BD2, consult the following documents:
Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 BIOS EPS
Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Baseboard Schematic
Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Hardware and Operating System Test Plan
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 Technical Product Specification
Intel® Server Chassis SC5300 Chassis Power Supply Specification