Platform Management ArchitectureIntel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product Specification
Table 45. LAN Channel Specifications
Configuration Capability
Channel Access Modes
This option determines when the BMC can be accessed via
IPMI Messaging over LAN.
Number of Sessions
One (Essentials)
The number of simultaneous sessions that can be supported is
shared across the LAN and serial/modem channels.
Number of Users
One (Essentials)
User information is a resource that is shared across the LAN
and serial/modem channels.
Configurable User Names
No (Essentials)
User information is a resource that is shared across the LAN
and serial/modem channels.
Configurable User
Privilege Levels
User, Operator,
IPMI Message Authentication
Type Support
Number of LAN Alert
One (Essentials)
PET Acknowledge support
Gratuitous ARP Support
LAN Drivers and Setup
The IPMI-over-LAN feature must be used with the appropriate Intel NIC Driver, and the NIC
correctly configured in order for DPC LAN operation to occur transparently to the operating
system and network applications. If an incorrect driver or NIC configuration is used, it is possible
to get driver timeouts when the IPMI-over-LAN feature is enabled. BIOS
A remote console application can use the IPMI
Set System Boot Options
command to configure
a set of BIOS
boot flags and boot initiator parameters that are held by the management
controller. These parameters include information that identifies the party that initiated the boot,
plus flags and other information that can be used to direct the way booting proceeds after a
system reset or power-up. For example, the system can be configured to boot normally, boot
using PXE, boot to a diagnostic partition, etc.
Boot Flags and LAN Console Redirection
The system BIOS includes a LAN Console Redirection capability. This capability can only be
directed to one IP Address at a time. Thus, the boot flags and boot initiator information are also
used to tell the BIOS where to send LAN Console Redirection.
Wake On LAN / Power On LAN and Magic Packet Support
The baseboard supports Wake On LAN / Power On LAN capability using the onboard network
interface chips or an add-in network interface card. An add-in network card can deliver the wake
signal to the baseboard via the PME signal on the PCI bus. The actual support for Magic Packet
and/or packet filtering for Wake On LAN / Power On LAN is provided by the NIC. The
baseboard handles the corresponding wake signal.