Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product SpecificationPlatform Management Architecture
Revision 1.3
Intel Confidential
Enabling/Disabling PEF.
Configuring Alert actions.
Selecting which pre-configured events trigger an alert.
Configuring the serial/modem and PPP communication and link parameters.
Configuring the alert destination information.
Alerting On Power Down Events
The mBMC is capable of generating alerts while the system is powered down. A watchdog
power-down event alert is sent after the power down so that the alert does not delay the power-
down action.
Alerting On System Reset Events
The alerting process must complete before the system reset is completed. This is done to
simplify timing interactions between the mBMC and BIOS initialization after a system reset. Alert-in-Progress
An alert in progress will be terminated by a system reset or power on, or by disabling alerting via
commands to the management controller.
4.2.13 NMI
The following may cause the mBMC to generate an NMI pulse:
Receiving a C
hassis Control
command issued from one of the command interfaces. Use
of this command will not cause an event to be logged in the SEL.
Detecting that the front panel Diagnostic Interrupt button has been pressed.
A PEF table entry matching an event where the filter entry has the NMI action indicated.
A processor IERR or Thermal Trip (if the mBMC is so configured).
Watchdog timer pre-timeout expiration with NMI pre-timeout action enabled.
The mBMC-generated NMI pulse duration is 200ms. This time is chosen to try to avoid the
BIOS missing the NMI if the BIOS is in the SMI Handler and the SMI Handler is masking the
4.2.14 SMI
The mBMC can generate an SMI due to watchdog timer pre-timeout expiration with SMI pre-
timeout interrupt specified. The SMI generation is software configurable. The above conditions
may or may not be enabled to cause an SMI.
4.3 Platform
Power Supply Interface Signals
The mBMC supports two power supply control signals:
Power On
Power Good
. The
signal connects to the chassis power subsystem and is used to request power state
changes (asserted = request
Power On
). The
Power Good
signal from the chassis power
subsystem indicates current the power state (asserted = power is on).