Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2 Technical Product SpecificationPlatform Management Architecture
Revision 1.3
Intel Confidential
delivered to system management software, and provides the ability to access sensors
and FRU information on other management controllers.
IPMI Messages are encapsulated in a packet format called RMCP (Remote Management
Control Protocol). The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has defined RMCP for
supporting pre-OS and OS-absent management. RMCP is a simple request-response protocol
that can be delivered using UDP datagrams. IPMI-over-LAN uses version 1 of the RMCP
protocol and packet format.
UDP port 26Fh is a ‘well-known port’ address that is specified to carry RMCP (Remote
Management Control Protocol) formatted UDP datagrams. The onboard Intel network interface
controllers contain circuitry that enables detecting and capturing RMCP packets that are
received on Port 26Fh and making them available to the management controller via a ‘side-
band’ interface that is separate from the PCI interface to the NIC. Similarly, the management
controller can use the side-band interface to send packets from Port 26Fh, as shown in the
following figure.
NIC #1
System Bus
side-band connection
Figure 13. IPMI-over-LAN
RMCP includes a field that indicates the class of messages that can be embedded in an RMCP
message packet. For RMCP version 1.0, the defined classes are IPMI, ASF, and OEM. IPMI-
over-LAN uses the IPMI class to transfer IPMI Messages encapsulated in RMCP packets.
Intelligent Platform Management Interface v1.5 Specification specifies the packet formats and
commands used to perform IPMI Messaging on LAN via RMCP.
The management controller transmits to other port addresses as needed. For example, LAN
Alerts, which are sent as SNMP Traps, can be transmitted to the SNMP Trap ‘well known’ port
address, 162 (0A2h).
LAN Channel Specifications
The following table presents the minimum support that will be provided.
: The system management software and utilities may not use all the available management
controller options and capabilities.
For detailed technical information on the operation of the
LAN channel operation and LAN Alerting, refer to the Intelligent Platform Management Interface
Specification, version 1.5