TwinLock B670/C690 CashProtect DS
Manual V.1.01B
If boxes are marked, the Weekly Programs selected are assigned
to users. These users can open during opening periods defined in
the Weekly Programs only.
Optional user specific language setting, not available
Personnel no.
Field for entering a personnel no. with up to 6 digits.
Only with box ‘Personnel number’ on top of the user list ticked /
marked, all users enter their personnel number instead of their user
number at the operating unit before they can open a lock.
Template name
no right, optional, display of the label of a template assigned to a
user, as it may be (in case the templates have not been deleted or
renamed after their assignment)
Authorisations Ex Works via CashProtectPro
These settings partly are visible and can be changed in the CashProtectPro user
Manager (no.225):
PIN code | Release | Service (cannot be changed)
Master (no.00):
PIN code | Release | (can be extended)
User (no.01-99):
none (can be programmed)