connects to the camera. After the camera NTP synchronization function is enabled
on the server, cameras will automatically synchronize time with the server.
1. Log in to the OMU portal as user admin.
2. Choose Maintenance > Unified Configuration.
3. Set Module Name to SCU and click Search.
4. In the search results, click Edit in the row where Parameter Name is NTPIPC
and set Value to 1.
5. Click Save. After the camera NTP synchronization function is enabled, the
camera, after being connected to the server, will automatically time-
synchronize with the server.
Figure 5-50 Configuring camera NTP synchronization
Step 9 Create a user.
When connecting to the IVS1800 on the NetEco, you need to log in as a non-
admin user.
1. Log in to the OMU portal as user admin.
2. Choose User Management > Add User.
When creating a user, you can select Enable account validity period and set Valid from
and Valid to to set the account validity period for the created user.
3. Set Multi-point logins to a value greater than 2.
4. On the User List page, click Permission Settings next to the new user, select
the cameras to be browsed and queried, set other parameters, and click Save.
----End Setting Parameters on the iClient
The network communication between the IVS1800 and the camera is normal.
Step 1 Install the iClient.
1. Download the iClient.
You can obtain the iClient in either of the following ways:
FusionModule2000-S Smart Modular Data Center
User Manual
5 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 03 (2021-07-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.