UPS5000-E-(350 kVA-800 kVA)
User Manual (50 kVA Power Modules)
3 Installation
Issue 05 (2018-01-08)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Step 9
Connect the battery cables.
The battery voltage may result in serious injury. Observe safety precautions when
connecting cables.
Ensure that cables are correctly connected between battery strings and the battery switch,
and between the battery switch and the UPS. Avoid inverse connections.
Figure 3-84
Connecting battery cables
Route a neutral wire from the middle of the positive and negative battery strings.
Take a battery string consisting of 40 batteries for example. The battery neutral wire is routed
from the middle of positive and negative battery strings, each consisting of 20 batteries.
Figure 3-85
Neutral wire