Rules for creating IM volumes and hot spare disks
The following rules apply when creating IM volumes and hot spare disks:
All disks that are part of an IM volume or a hot spare for an IM volume must be on the same
SAS controller.
IM volumes are supported.
Only two IM volumes (plus a global hot spare) per controller can be created.
An IM array must have exactly two disks.
A hot spare disk cannot be created without at least one IM volume already created.
The utility does not allow adding a hot spare disk of type different from disk types in any of
the volume.
With the
command all drives used are the same type as the first available disk found,
and the size is limited to the size of the smallest disk.
CFGGEN Commands
Using the CREATE Command
command creates IM volumes on the SAS controller. Firmware and hardware
limitations for this family of cards limit the number of configurations that are possible.
cfggen <controller #> create <volume type> <size> [qsync] [noprompt]
<volume type>
Volume type for the volume to be created. Valid value is IM.
Size of the IM volume in Mbytes or “MAX” for the maximum size available.
Quick synchronization of the volume created.
Eliminates warnings and prompts.
Once a disk has been added to an IM volume, all of its storage capacity may or may not be used
depending on drive capacity and volume capacity. For example, if you add a 36 GB disk drive
to a volume that only uses 9 GB of capacity on each disk drive, the remaining 27 GB of capacity
on the disk drive is unusable.
The disk identified by the first SCSI ID on the command line is assigned as the primary disk drive
when creating an IM volume. If the SAS controller is allowed to resync the disk drives, the data
on the primary disk drive is available by accessing the newly created volume.
Using the AUTO Command
command automatically creates an IM volume on the SAS controllers. The volume is
created with the maximum number of disks available for use in the specified volume type. The
main difference from the
command is that with
command user does not specify
SCSI ID values for disks to use in the volume. The
utility automatically uses the first
disks it finds that are usable in the IM volume. Firmware and hardware limitations for the family
of controllers limit the number of configurations that are possible.
cfggen <controller #> auto <volume type> <size> [qsync] [noprompt]
<volume type>
Volume type for the volume to be created. Valid value is IM.
Installing the System