Model 3585A
2 50 nsec
Figure 5· 1 0. Sample Pulse Generator Output
cc . Turn the front panel intensity control fully C.W.
dd . Move jumpers A67 J l l and A63J3 to the normal position .
ee. Adjust A67R6 so that there are no extra dots on the screen. Move jumpers A67J l l
and A63J3 to the test position .
ff. Connect a DVM set for DC volts to A67TP6. Record the reading
gg . Connect the DVM to A67TP5 . Record the reading
hh . Subtract the reading in step ff from those taken in step gg. The difference should be
8V or greater . If the difference is less than 8V, turn A67R6 slightly C . C . W. and continue at
step ff. (Typically the voltage difference will be 20V or greater.)
When A 67R6 is adjusted properly, the display will blank out when
the front panel intensity control is counterclockwise from the 10
o 'clock position .
I ntensity Limit Set Correctly
I ntensity Limit Set I n correctly
Figure 5· 1 1 . Location Of Extra CRT Dots