Heat & Glo • TRUE-36-IFT, TRUE-42-IFT, TRUE-50-IFT Installation Manual • 2461-980 Rev. Q • 11/20
E. Install Teco-Sil and Mystic Embers
1. Install Teco-Sil along front edge of glass as shown in
Figure 11.19. Rock should follow contour cutout in the
front refractory.
Figure 11.19. Install Teco-Sil
2. Fill in the rest of the ember glass area by placing an
even layer of Teco-Sil across the bottom. Dropping the
Teco-Sil through the oval holes in the burner creates a
more even layer. See Figure 11.20.
3. Using a high temperature black paint, fog the Teco-
Sil to the desired look. See Figure 11.21. Prior to
painting, take precautions to prevent any overspray
from reaching the pilot assembly.
Figure 11.20. Ember Glass Area Covered with Teco-Sil
Figure 11.21. Teco-Sil Painted
4. Apply Mystic Embers around the ember bed and
hearth refractory. The joints in the front middle hearth
refractory can be concealed with these embers.
Figure 11.22. Apply Mystic Embers
NOTICE: Do NOT paint the pilot assembly!