MDE-4334C Atlas Start-up and Service Manual · April 2008
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Electronics Highlights
Electronic and Electrical Components
Retail Parts by Name
Retail Parts
RETAIL Parts for Gasboy Atlas 8800 Series
ATC # T19405-G3 T-Meter Module Automatic Temperature Controller (Optional)
ATC, Optimum # T20569-G1 Optimum Automatic Temperature Controller Control PCA (Optional)
Backlight # T17622-G9 .6 inch Main Display PCA
Ballast # M03154B001 Instant Start
Barrier, Intrinsically Safe # T19428-G1 Assembly ATC (Optional)
Buzzer # Q11763-01
Cable # M02739A001 from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P205 (16) and 207 (10) to T20569 G1 OP ATC
Control PCA P405 (34) and P301 (20) and 305 (34)
Cable # M04658A001 from T18994-G1 P405 (20) to Q11763 01 Buzzer to Q12514 10 switch A1 PH (B1) (4) and
B1 PH (A1) (4) to J921B and J921A to J1 (3) to P1 Relays
Cable # M04658A001 from T18994-G1 P406 (5) to J922A (4) > M00455A003 Grade 1 Electronic Totalizer side A
and J922B (4) >M00455A003 Grade 2 side Electronic Totalizer B
Cable # M04659A001_2_3 to relay
Cable # M04850A002
Cable # M04889A001 from T18994 G1 P405 (20) to Q11763 01 Buzzer to Q12514 10 switch A1 PH (B1) (4) and B1
PH (A1) (4) to J921B and J921A to J1 (3) to P1 Relays
Cable # M04890A001 from Main Junction Box
Cable # R196677-G1 from T20092 G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P204 (34) to T20569 G1 (OP ATC Control PCA)
P304 (34)
Cable # R18944-G1 from T17331-G1 (Pump Preset PCA) P412 (34) to T17328-G1 Pump Preset Display PCA
P612 (34)
Cable # R18944-G1from T17331-G1 (Pump Preset PCA) P413 (34) to T17328-G1 Pump Preset Display PCA P612
Cable # R19072-G1 from J921A to T18350-G3 Pulser)
Cable # R19527-G1 from T20569-G1 {OP ATC Control PCA (Optional)} P204A (34) to P204A (34) J204 LCD Main
Cable # R19936-G1 from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P201 (10) to T17331-G1 (Pump Preset PCA)
Cable # R19939 G1 from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P206 (5) to T18994-G1 (Pump Interface PCA) P306
Cable # R19951-G1 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P203 (10) to T17549-G1 (Manager Keypad)
P901A (10)
Cable # R19951-G1 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P207 (10) toT18994-G1 P307 (10)
Cable # R19951-G1 Cable from T20569-G1 {Optimum ATC Controller PCA (Optional)} P303A (10) to T17549-G1
(Manager Keypad) P901A (10)
Cable # R19952-G1 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P205 (16) to T18994-G1 (Pump Interface PCA)
P305 (16)
Cable # R20128-G1 Cable from T20569-G1 {OP ATC Control PCA (Optional)} P307 (4) to Main Junction Box
Cable # R20146-G1 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P203 (10) to T20569-G1 (OP ATC Control
PCA) P303 (10)
Cable # R20148-G3 Cable from T19405-G3 (T-Meter Module) P200 (16) to Probe 2 PTP2 (16)
Cable # R20148-G3 Cable from T19405-G3 (T-Meter Module) P202 (16) to Probe 1 PTP1 (16)
Cable # R20412-G3 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P208 (2 wire) to P402A (2) to J402 FE Wiring
Cable # R20412-G3 Cable from T20092-G1 (Pump Controller PCA) P208 (3) (2 wire) to FE wiring sheet 1>
Cable # R20412-G3 from T19428-G1 IS Barrier > JIS (10) to P201 (10) T19405 G3
Filter # Q10895-07