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MDE-4334C Atlas Start-up and Service Manual · April 2008
Pump Programming
Programming Overview
Common Terms Used
Maximum amount of fuel that can be dispensed from a nozzle for a given transaction.
Cold Start
Clears pump and configuration data.
Command Code
Listing under Command Level for setting software parameters.
Command Level
A level of programming accessed by PIN(s).
A dispensing unit that relies on an STP in the storage tank to send fuel to the dispenser.
Five Button Preset This is a keypad that contains five buttons upon which the customer can enter a predetermined
value and/or increment or decrement in the selected sale or volume value, prior to fueling.
Function Code
One or more procedures within a Command Code.
Indicates the fuel grade available at the nozzle. In the case of blender dispensers, a grade is
created by blending products.
Manager Keypad
Device within the dispenser for setting programming parameters.
Money Display
A display that shows the total value of the product dispensed during normal operation.
Option Code
A choice that is available upon entering a Function Code.
Indicates the base fuel grade available in the storage tank. Not to be confused with “Grade”;
however, in a non-blending environment, a grade is the same as a product.
Prover can
A calibrated container used by W&M officials and calibrating technicians to accurately check or
calibrate meters in a fuel dispenser.
Refers to a dispensing unit that has a self-contained suction pump.
Volume Display
A six-digit display that shows the total volume of product dispensed during normal operation.
Side 1
Indicates the electrical access side of the dispenser. The Manager Keypad is accessed from
Side 1 of the dispenser.
The variator section of the computer register(s) is exposed to allow for price changes.
Programming Overview
The purpose of this overview is to show the display characteristics that allow visual reference
for identifying each series of pumps and dispensers. This is accompanied by a brief description
of the programming methods. See
Electronic Commercial Units (9800 Series)
The 9800 Gasboy Atlas Series unit contains a volume display (money display is omitted). The
unit can operate in Standalone or Online mode, when connected to various Fleet Fueling
Systems such as the Gasboy Series 1000, Gasboy CFN, or TopKAT Fuel Control System.
Configuring the 9800 series units is done by selecting switch and jump jack (if applicable)
settings on the Central Processing Unit (CPU) board. These switches control the operation
mode, timeout control, addressing, and pulse rates. The type of display associated with the
9800 series units, is as shown below.