Ref / Pt.No: 294130
Operating Instructions for Safe Use
Fullwood M²erlin
Revision: C
Date: 24-Mar-17
Page 35 of 81
Neck tags
Neck tags are to be attached around the cow’s neck with an
appropriate strap.
The strap is to be sufficiently tightened to prevent slipping over the
cows head and prevent catching on parts protruding into the barn or
parlour. It must not be over tight restricting the cow’s movements in
any way.
9. Introducing Animals to the New Milking System
Moving to a new milking facility, whether conventional or robotic can be stressful and disruptive
to the performance of any herd. Steps must be taken to accustom cows to the new facility and
train personnel to use it correctly.
Where the change is from a conventional parlour to an automated system, the challenge is even
greater. In addition to the potentially stressful period of training, for both cows and personnel,
milking no longer occurs at predetermined times and regular intervals. Milking frequency
depends on management strategies relating to housing and feeding together with their effects
on the willingness of cows to visit the milking station.
Ensure all building work has been completed prior to introducing cow to the M²erlin
Ensure all contractors and non-authorised personnel are off site.
Users of automatic milking systems must not assume that they can just “leave
everything to the robot”.
The herd should be inspected to identify cows with udder and/or teats that may be
unsuitable for the automatic system.
The User/operator should receive introductory training on the use of the Crystal
Management System.
Up-to-date information for every cow in the herd must be entered into Crystal prior to
introduction to the system.
Ideally, all cows should be walked into and through the milking station. Entry and Exit
gates should be left open and the cows free to move around. This should be carried
out for 2 – 3 days
For the next 3-4 days M²erlin should be used as an out of parlour feed station, Feed
should be used as an inducement to the cows.
If it is not possible to familiarise the cows with M²erlin before the first milking, i.e. if
the cows are moving to completely new premises and it is impractical to return to the
old facility, it is more important than ever to proceed very gently and slowly on the
first day of milking