Ref / Pt.No: 294130
Operating Instructions for Safe Use
Fullwood M²erlin
Revision: C
Date: 24-Mar-17
Page 48 of 81
10.5 Milk Separation
10.5.1 Withheld and Undesirable Milk
Where milk from a cow is known to have a withhold period (e.g. containing antibiotic or other
pharmaceutical product) or is undesirable (e.g. colostrum or high somatic cell count), the
operator must programme the M²erlin via Crystal to divert milk from that cow to drain or to milk
separation facilities.
Animals that need to be milked separately must be clearly identified. Animals under antibiotic
treatment must be marked with two red bands attached to the tail before the first treatment. All
livestock under treatment must be clearly identified throughout the whole withdrawal period. In
computerized milking systems, treated cows must be registered before the treatment begins.
10.5.2 Abnormal Milk
Where fitted, CrystaLab and FullQuest provide the basis for Action Planner decisions to divert
milk likely to be abnormal (e.g. contains blood, low lactose level and/or high electrical
conductivity. The operator via Crystal should define the conditions in which milk likely to be
abnormal can be rejected to drain or separate collection.
If in Crystal the milk is programmed to go to tank but for some reason the milk needs to be
rejected the operator can divert the milk by pressing the milk separation button and selecting
drain (A) or bucket (B).
10.6 Milk Cooling and storage
A refrigerated bulk tank shall have the provision to inform the automatic milking machine if milk
can be received or not and where appropriate comply with EN 13732.
If milk is intended to be stored in a temporary tank (buffer tank) longer than 1hr, such as during
milk collection and cleaning of the bulk tank, the cooling time specified by local, regional or
national requirements applies.
The use of buffer tanks must allow the inspection of the milk before this is pumped into the main
bulk tank.
When a cow is being milked
and milk should not be sent to
the bulktank although this is set
this way in Crystal, a one-time
milk separation to the drain or
bucket can be performed by
pressing the milk separation
The dialog that pops-up shows
the following options:
Milk to drain
Milk to bucket
Cancel dialog