Possible Cause
Motors do not jog.
Motors are not connected.
Verify that the motors are
connected to the control card.
Vector cut rectangles are out
of square (lines are straight,
but angles are wrong).
This problem is usually
caused by a loose rear
coupler or an uneven belt
(after a Yaxis crash or skip).
Resquaring the Y axis is not
difficult, but it is very helpful to
have an extra pair of hands.
1. Using the 2mm hex key,
loosen the motor flex coupling
(2 screws).
2. Make sure that the middle
flex coupling is tight (avoid
putting pressure on the Y
3. Take two knownlength
standards of equal size (123
blocks work well) and place
them at the front of the
machine on either Yrail, flush
with the interior wall of the top
4. Slide the gantry forward so
that both left and right risers
are in contact with the blocks.
5. Maintaining forward
pressure on both sides of the
gantry, retighten the motor
flex coupling.
Vector cut lines are not
This problem is usually
caused by a misadjusted
laser head.
Return to the instructions for
Laser Head Adjustment
(Stage Five in the Installation
& Assembly Section).
See Appendix D: HSeries
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