Control the stroke thickness (pixels), endpoint shape, joint behavior and miter behavior.
Control the color and fill style of the brush. Allows you to create and specify gradients.
Specify the properties of a closed shape
Workspace Tools
Use the drag handles located on the edges of your design to resize the image. The extension lines
display the width and height of the bounding box that encloses the image. Dragging the square
handle will preserve the design’s scale. The small field located on along the height extension line
gives the current X and Y workspace coordinates of the mouse.
Hovering the mouse over a vector object (polyline) will cause it to highlight. You can rightclick the
mouse to disable that object in the current job and rightclick again to reenable.
Clicking on a poly line will bring up the workspace editor. You can move, scale or disable it; assign
it to a layer using the colored buttons; reverse the direction of the path; or close small gaps
between the ends of an unclosed polyline (for advanced users).
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