The HSeries Hobby laser has an integrated beam combiner which greatly simplifies beam
alignment. The general procedure is to first align the red beam with the invisible beam then use
the red beam as the primary indicator for alignment. We recommend first aligning the invisible
cutting beam with the visible Alignment Beam—this saves a great deal of time lost in opening and
closing the lid for safe access while firing the laser. Follow this procedure:
1. Open Safety Lid.
You will need to access the interior of the machine.
2. Place Thermal Paper.
Take a piece of thermal paper and place it over Mirror 1 in the same
matter as in the Alignment Test.
3. Unlock Laser to Manual Control.
Pressing the Lock/Unlock button on the Touch Screen
Interface locks or unlocks the drive motors. System cannot jog or test fire while unlocked,
but laser head can be positioned by hand, which is what we want to do next.
4. Close Safety Lid.
Safety measures should make it impossible to fire the laser with the
safety lid open. Regardless, never intentionally fire the laser with safety lid open.
5. Test Fire the Laser.
Press the Test Fire Button on the Touch Screen. Observe and note
the location of the new mark on the thermal paper. You may need to hit Test Fire more than
once to create a visible black dot on the thermal paper.
6. Check Results.
A black dot should appear on the thermal paper. Check that this dot is
round and not clipped on the left or right. In the unlikely case the dot is still clipped after
multiple test fires, the tube may be sitting at an angle causing it to hit the beam combiner.
This will need to be adjusted.
7. Adjust Mirror #1.
Adjust one of the clamps of the laser tube to move tube left or right so it
is not clipped by the beam combiner. This should not happen normally unless you changed
the tub. Contact Full Spectrum Laser tech support for more details.
8. Move and Retest Fire.
Move the X gantry (the long black bar) down to the lowest Y
position. Put a piece of thermal paper on location #2. Fire a test pulse and observe where
the black dot appears on the thermal paper.
9. Adjust Pointer.
Without moving the gantry and without touching any of the mirrors, adjust
the red dot pointer so that the red dot overlaps with the black dot. Do this by adjusting the
screws that hold the red laser in place. Once the red dot overlaps with the black dot, the red
is travelling along the same path as the invisible laser beam and can be used to align the
rest of the laser instead of relying on the invisible black dot.
Technical Support is available from 8:00 am (PST) to 5:00 pm (PST) Monday through Friday at