Attach a database
To use a database on a SQL database server, the server needs to know where
the database files (*.mdf and *.ldf) of a specific database are. With
you let the server know where the database files are located.
Detach a database
If you detach a database from SQL database server, you remove the database file
from the list of known databases for a specific server. The database files are still
present on your computer, but they are not accessible by the database server or
the Trendline-Software anymore.
If you want to make a detached database accessible for the Trendline Software,
you have to attach the database again.
Update a database
When new features are added to the Trendline database, it might be possible
that the database format has to be changed. With this option, you can update the
database to the new format. Attach database
You can attach a database to the SQL database server as follows:
Start the
Database administration