You can now choose from three options in this menu:
Overwrite old
The last sav ed measurement of this measuring point w ill be ov erw ritten. The time
signals that belong to the last measurement w ill also be ov erw ritten.
Save as extra
If y ou select this item and confirm w ith the Enter button
, this measurement is
sav ed as an additional measurement. In the Trendline softw are it appears as an
additional measurement of the same measuring point. The time signals are also
sav ed, w hen this is required.
The measurement is not sav ed. This corresponds to pressing the Esc button
immediately after the measurement.
Bear in mind that multiple measurements can b e saved only if
sufficient memory is availab le. If insufficient space is availab le in
the memory for additional time signals these will not b e saved,
even if the option "Always save time signals" is activated in the
configuration. If the memory no longer has the capacity to store
characteristic values it will not b e possib le to save the values
ob tained during multiple measurement.
6.7.5 Measuring with universal characteristic value
To enter a characteristic value at a selected measuring point that is not
measured by the vibration or temperature sensor, you can set up
characteristic value
in the Trendline software. After the Detector recorded all
vibration values, you will be requested to enter a value for the universal
characteristic value.
Accept this value by pressing the Enter button
. If you have configured several
universal characteristic values for a measurement, they will be requested