Error message
Cause of the fault / solution
ID already in use.
Please repeat
An RFID tag w as read
that is already assigned
to another measuring
Assign a new RFID tag to the current measuring point.
Change sensor to:
The nex t measurement
must be performed w ith
a different sensor.
If y ou hav e configured sensors w ith different sensitiv ities for
measuring points, y ou may need to change the sensor
betw een tw o measurements. In this case, the Detector tells
y ou w hich sensor y ou need to connect for the nex t
Max imum number
of data reached!
Max imum number of
data points reached (in
run up/coast dow n).
The sy stem aborts after 65535 v alues in a run up/coast
dow n. The v alues measured so far are sav ed.
frequency !
Machine in resonant
range for balancing
If y ou hav e defined one or more resonant ranges for a
machine in the Trendline softw are (see "setting up run up/
coast dow n
" and "determining the resonant range of a
"), the Detector display s this message during
balancing if the current rotational speed is w ithin such a
resonant range. You can continue the balancing
measurement. How ev er, observ e the information giv en in
balancing measurement
Rotational speed
to high (low ) for
Autostart /
Rotational speed already
ex ceeds the selected
autostart and/or autostop
speed at run up.
Or: Rotational speed is
already low er than the
selected autostart and/or
autostop speed at coast
dow n.
Run up: If rotational speed is too high for an automatic start
and/or automatic stop, the sy stem stops the automatic
measurement start and/or stop. You can start and/or stop
manually by pressing Enter.
Coast dow n: If rotational speed is too low for an automatic
start and/or automatic stop, the sy stem stops the automatic
measurement start and/or stop. You can start and/or stop
manually by pressing Enter.
HW0 to HW2
(backup battery )
Self-test error
At start-up, the Detector performs a self-test to check internal
v oltages. If one of these three messages is display ed, y ou
must replace the backup battery . Please contact
support@fis-serv ices.com and tell us the error number. We
w ill then giv e y ou further details on how to replace the
battery . You can by pass the error message by pressing
HW3 to HW7
(Internal error)
Self-test error
This is a critical error. Please contact support@fis-serv ices.
com and tell us the error number. We w ill then giv e y ou
further information.