Special information
2 kHz
5.12 kSPS
3200 lines
0.625 Hz
1.875 Hz
0.625 Hz
5 kHz
12.8 kSPS
1600 lines
3.125 Hz
3.125 Hz
5 kHz
12.8 kSPS
3200 lines
1.56 Hz
4.7 Hz
1.56 Hz
10 kHz
25.6 kSPS
1600 lines
6.25 Hz
18.75 Hz
6.25 Hz
10 kHz
25.6 kSPS
3200 lines
3.125 Hz
9.375 Hz
3.125 Hz
20 kHz
51.2 kSPS
1600 lines
12.5 Hz
37.5 Hz
12.5 Hz
20 kHz
51.2 kSPS
3200 lines
6.25 Hz
18.75 Hz
6.25 Hz
(SPS = Samples per second)
(*) In the case of characteristic values for speed the minimum frequency is the
third line in the spectrum as the first lines may become overly large as a result of
the integration.
7.3 Time signals
You can select in Trendline software, which time signals should be stored. The
Detector can save up to 300 time signals and up to 1600 measuring points. Give
careful consideration to what signals you need. You can select, when configuring
the measuring point (see "Create a measuring point"
), if a certain time signal
should be stored all the time, or only, if the characteristic value shows a main
If a configuration or route is sent to the Detector, the Detector checks how many
time signals have to be stored at all times. For these time signals the right
amount of memory is allocated right after the data transfer to ensure that these
time signals are guaranteed to be stored. However, this automatically means that
no more time signals than the Detector memory can accommodate must be
marked with "Save always" in a configuration or route. Before sending a
configuration or route to the Detector, the Trendline software checks if the
available memory of the Detector is sufficient to store the data. If this is not the
case, an error message is displayed and the data is not sent to the Detector.
For time signals that are to be stored only in the event of an alarm, the Trendline
software cannot check whether they would fit in the memory, because it is not
possible to know how many measuring points have an alarm. In an extreme
case, one could click "Save in the event of alarm" for all time signals. Even if one
of the characteristic values has an alarm and a time signal therefore has to be
saved, this is stored only when sufficient memory is actually available. If there is
not enough memory, the user will get a message notifying him that there is
insufficient memory and the time signal was not stored. You can find more
information on this under "Dynamic memory management"