Detector III
For two-plane balancing, the Detector also checks whether the test weights are
possible too small. In doing so, the change in vibration in Plane 2 is calculated
with respect to the reference run if you have removed the test weight for Plane
1. If you have kept the test weight for Plane 1, the change in vibration is
calculated with respect to the first test run.
If the minimum required change in vibration is exceeded only at one sensor for
2-plane balancing in the trial run for Plane 1 and subsequently for Plane 2, a
defect is likely the cause. The Detector will return a warning if this is the case.
If the Detector found that the number of balancing planes was probably
insufficient (1-plane balancing) or unnecessarily large (2-plane balancing), a
warning message is displayed. You can then modify the number of balancing
planes. Please note that the measurement is resumed as a free
measurement, and you must then sort this with the wizard
transferring to the Trendline software.
At this point, you can select a comment. In the comment list, you can create a
new comment
or select an existing one (see "Managing comments for
"). If no comments exist in the list, the edit field for the
comment input is shown. Confirm your settings with the Enter button
However, you can still apply the measured values or repeat the trial run with
other weights. If you repeat the trial run, the weight used in the previous trial will
be used as the start value when entering the weight. Please ensure that you
also take this weight into consideration when repeating the trial run and not
only the weights that have been added!
Then the Detector asks whether you want to remove the test weight. If you have
screwed the test weight on, it is an advantage to unscrew it so as to keep the
number of weights on the shaft as small as possible. If you welded it on, it is
easier to leave the test weight on the shaft.
In two-plane balancing, you can specify what weights you want to remove after
the second trial run. You can
keep both weights,
remove the weight last used, or
remove both test weights,
if you have not removed the test weight in plane 1. Otherwise, you can only
choose whether to remove the weight in plane 2 or not.