The list is resorted in ascending order by pitch.
Edit comment
In order to edit a comment of a measurement, click on the measurement and
Amplitude/phase report
Click on
to create an Amplitude/Phase Report
for the selected
measurement job.
Delete amplitude/phase measurement
Click on the measurement job in the table of measurements, then on
Display two-dimensional amplitude/phase graph
2D graphics
to display measurements in a graphic format.
The Trendline software plots the amplitude and phase of the vibration signals at
the measuring points separately over a shared axis that shows the positions of
the measuring points to scale.
Cursor tools
: In 2D display mode the the base and difference cursor as well as
the zoom tools of the FIS Viewer are available. For each measuring point
selected using the cursor, the diagram shows the values for phase/amplitude
of the signal as well as the pitch at the reference point. If the difference cursor
is activated, the corresponding difference values between the selected
measuring points are also shown.
Display three-dimensional amplitude/phase graph
3D graphics
to display measurements in a graphic format.