Detector III
Contrast settings
Press "cursor right" to increase and "cursor left" to decrease display contrast.
Memory manager
Shows the current amount of memory occupied by configuration and measuring
data. See "Dynamic memory management
Battery status
Displays the charge remaining in the battery
Detector information
Displays the date and time as well as the serial number and software version of
the Detector. The date of the last successful calibration check is also displayed
Displays the date of calibration and the date and status of the last calibration
check. If the status of the last calibration check is OK, a "Yes" is displayed. "No"
displays that a deviation was detected. The calibration check is password
protected. If you want to perform a check, please contact support@fis-services.
Keep menu position
If you choose
here, the Detector will automatically display the most recently
accessed menu after switching off.
Sensor power supply
This menu item lets you activate or deactivate the constant supply of the sensor. If
the constant supply is always activated, the sensor is not initialized before the
measurement (except for with Balancing measurements
), which saves time
when there are many measuring points. However, the constant supply to the
sensor will reduce the battery life of the Detector.
Damage to sensors when continuous operation is activated
If you would like to connect passive sensors to the Detector, the
continuous operation of the sensor must b e deactivated to avoid
damaging the sensor.