FIS Viewer
5.2.2 Toolbar
You can use the
Tile windows horizontally
button to arrange open w indow s
v ertically abov e one another in the w orking area of the Trendline View er.
You can use the
Cascade windows
button to arrange open w indow s so they ov erlap
in the w orking area of the Trendline View er.
You can use the
Show current diagram in full screen
button to fill the entire screen
of the Trendline View er w orking area w ith the current diagram selected.
You can use the
Arrange icons
button to arrange minimized w indow s horizontally
from left to right in the w orking area of the View er.
If the
Arrange diagrams automatically
button is activ ated the size of the diagram
alw ay s adjusts automatically to fit the av ailable w orking area (w hen the tool area is
display ed or remov ed, for ex ample).
You can v iew a list of the w indow s that are currently open and make y our selection
using the
Show list of all diagrams
button. The selected diagrams are arranged
horizontally and the rest of the diagrams are minimized.
You can use the
Show toolbar
button to display /hide the tool bar in the w orking
interface of the Trendline View er.