Trendline 3
Measuring point from a balancing configuration
If you export a measuring point from a balancing configuration, the Trendline
software saves a general export file with details on the configuration, the
balancing jobs and the weights. In addition, the program creates one file per
balancing step ("Data File<n>.csv") containing the associated sensor data.
The general export file contains the following details:
Data File
Ex port file w ith the sensor data.
Balancing measurepoint
Name of measuring point
Job Number
Number of the balancing job.
App. weight 1 amplitude
Amplitude of the w eight used in plane 1.
App. weight 1 angle
Position angle of the w eight used in plane 1.
App. weight 2 amplitude
Amplitude of the w eight used in plane 2.
App. weight 2 angle
Position angle of the w eight used in plane 2.
Measurement comment.
Ty pe of balancing step (reference run, trial run, etc.).
Indicates w hat w eights w ere remov ed.
The sensor data files contain the following details:
Sensor position
Name of sensor position.
Amp. Coeff. plane 1
Amplitude of the coefficients in plane 1.
Ph. Coeff. plane 1
Angle of the coefficients in plane 1.
Amp. Coeff. plane 2
Amplitude of the coefficients in plane 2.
Ph. Coeff. plane 2
Angle of the coefficients in plane 2.
Rotational speed.
Amplitude of the v ibration.
Phase of the v ibration.