Trendline 3
the scope and content of the measurement report:
Specifying a report time range
Select the
Time range
option to restrict the period that is reported.
Enter the start and end time. Alternatively, you can enter the end time and
specify the duration in whole days in the
No. of days
input field. In this case the
start time will be determined automatically.
Filter by comments
If you want to display measured data with a particular comment, select the
Filter by measurement comments
Enter the desired comment in the "Filter" field. You can use the wildcards "?"
and "*" in the usual way, e.g.
"*Pump*" to find all measurements containing Pump or
"?200*" to find all measurements whose comment includes the text "200" at
position 2-4.
Click on
to start filtering or click on
Alarm selection
Pre-alarms and main alarms can be displayed separately or together.
Click on
Report all
to select all alarms; to select individual alarm types click on
Report alarms
Report pre-alarms
Select characteristic values
Char. values
, select which characteristic values should be displayed.