Trendline 3
If there is less than 512 MB of unused space in the
Trendline datab ase, a warning is displayed.
Measured data may be lost if database is full!
If the maximum storage capacity of the Trendline
datab ase has b een used up, a warning is displayed. If
additional measured data is downloaded from a Detector
device when the datab ase is full, this data cannot b e
saved and will b e lost!
Free up storage space in the datab ase b y
deleting unneeded data,
storing existing data to a different location using the
export function and then deleting the Trendline
datab ase.
4.5.1 Users and passwords
During the installation of the Trendline software the following users and
passwords will be set up for the database program (SQL server) access:
User name
User password
User rights
CM_serv ices$1sa
(for new installations from v ersion 3.6)
Install and register
databases at the SQL
serv er
(for ex isting installations up to including v ersion 3.4)
CM_serv ices$1user
Select, attach, detach,
update and delete
databases in the Trendline
softw are
The user passwords can differ depending on your specifications!