Error message
Cause of the fault / solution
or sw itch on the
temperature sensor.
Temperature too
The measured
temperature is bey ond
the technical limit of the
temperature sensor.
Temperature measurement range: -15 °C to +550 °C
No memory left
for sav ing data
Cannot create any more
measurement, balancing
step or new data block
for run up/coast dow n
because memory is full.
Transfer the data to Trendline and transfer the last balancing
configuration or route back to the Detector.
Warning: battery
The battery is nearly
empty .
Please recharge
the accumulator before continuing to
w ork w ith the Detector. Otherw ise, the Detector could shut
dow n w ithout any w arning so as to protect the accumulator.
The battery is
empty Please
The battery is empty ,
the Detector cannot be
sw itched on.
The battery must be recharged
No memory
No memory has been
allocated for
configurations that hav e
been sent to the
The Trendline database may contain an error. Please
contact support@fis-serv ices.com.
No template
No balancing, CM or run
up/coast dow n template
has been sav ed.
You are try ing to perform a free measurement, but there is
no template is stored in the Detector. Templates are only
attached if y ou click in Trendline on
Send route
No configuration
No balancing, CM or run
up/coast dow n
configuration has been
sav ed.
You w ish to carry out balancing, a CM measurement or a
run up/coast dow n procedure but hav e not y et transferred a
configuration to the Detector. In Trendline click on
Send configuration
Send route
No free
sav ed
No free measurements
hav e been performed
y et.
You are attempting to v iew free balancing, CM
measurements or run up/coast dow n measurements on the
Detector although neither of these ty pes of measurement has
been carried out.
No balancing
The Detector is
attempting to sav e time
signals but cannot
because of insufficient
memory .
Send a balancing configuration to the Detector (click in
Trendline on Detector
Send configuration
Send route
) before y ou select a configuration
from the balancing menu of the Detector.
No memory
av ailable for time
The Detector is
attempting to sav e time
This can occur if y ou w ant to sav e only those time signals
occurring in the ev ent of an alarm. It is also possible that