Split position
Divides the vector of a weight between two positions. In
relation to a full circle, enter the number of possible
positions (at least 4), the angle of the first position and
the weight to split. The Detector shows where the two
resulting weights must be attached.
: Weights can be attached with a spacing of 30° between
weights, meaning that 12 positions are available. A weight of 10g and an
angle of 40° was determined for the weight to be attached. The Detector
determines the following: A weight of 6.8 g must be attached at position 2
(at 30°) and a second weight of 3.5 g attached at position 3 (at 60°).
Split angle
Divides one weight into two with predefined angles. To
do this enter both new angles as well as the weight
and angle of the original vector. The Detector
calculates both resulting weights. If the angle of the
original vector is not between the two new angles, the
Detector automatically jumps to the smaller of the two
angles so that you can correct your input.
: You have a fan with 18 blades, the first blade at 0°, the second
at 20°, etc. You want to attach a weight of 5 g at 30°, but you don't have any
room left at the 20° blade. Enter 0° at "Angle 1", 40° at "Angle 2" and 5 g at
30° at "Input" in the
function. The resulting weights at 0° and
40° are 1.4 g and 3.9 g, respectively.
Split weights
Split one weight into two weights with predefined
weights. To do this enter both predefined weights as
well as the weight and angle of the original vector. The
Detector displays where the two predefined weights
must be attached.
: The Detector suggests a balancing weight that you cannot
select (e.g. 7 g at 45°). You can, however, replace the suggested weight
with two available weights (e.g. 5 and 10 g) if the vectorial addition
corresponds exactly to the suggested weight. In the function
Split weights
, enter 5 g for "Weight 1", 10 g for "Weight 2" and 7 g at 45° for "Input". You
will obtain the weights 5 g in 156° and 10 g in 17° as a result.