Choose this function to reset all settings to their factory defaults. All personal settings will be lost!
Following a reset, the control unit will restart and request you to perform a basic setup. Please
notice that all connected extension modules will be also reset.
Reset options
: you can choose to reset a) current cabin only, b) all settings completely.
Touch the reset symbol twice, select the desired option and confirm to launch reset.
Temperature offset
This function allows you to adjust the shown current temperature in relation to the real tempera-
ture in the cabin. The setting range for steam rooms is from -2K to +2K. Adjust the value using the
slider symbol.
How this function works - meaning:
The offset setting to +2K means that the shown “is now” temperature is 2K lower as the real air
temperarture which is measured with some other instrument.
What is the use of this function:
This function may be useful if e.g. the displayed temperature shows a difference to the value meas-
ured by other instruments and you may have a customer complaint about this.
: Since this function is not without risks, it should be used by experienced experts only and
thoroughly tested afterwards.
Potential-free (volt-free) contact
The output „AUX“ on the main board of the steam generator is “NO / normally open” potential-free
contact of a relay on this board. This output is not linked to any other connection and it therefore
potential free (volt free). You can integrate this output in an external circuit in order to get some
external power load switched or transmit a signal.
Maximum load allowed for this output:
resistive load / alternating current: max. 250 V AC / 10 A
inductive load / alternating current 500 VA
direct current:
Up to 30 V DC max. 16A (480 W)
Tp to 110 V DC max. 0,3A (33 W)
Up to 220 V DC max. 0,12A (26,4 W)
If you use the power supply for terminals L1, L2 or L3 to power the circuit
connected to the AUX output, please ensure that the cable lines do not get overloaded! You
may need to install an additional fuse protection or install a separate power supply line.