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In this case, the XDi will scale the input values still using 0.1RPM data resolution internally for the RPM data type.
You cannot change the internal resolution.
The PDO converter will not stop the scaling at 100 %. It will make a linear scaling as long as the result is within the
valid limit for actual the data type, in this case RPM.
The presentation can however be limited. In the DEIF standard indicator used as example, the bar graph is limited
to 110 % and the digital readout will stop at 200 %. But in a customised indicator, this can be made differently, but
the setup procedure and scaling principle is the same.
Universal PDO converters
A number of universal PDO converters are available in the XDi, which can be used to generate any other data type
from a TPDO or RPDO. Electrical power could be an example.
The universal converters use the same principles as already described and are also able to calculate both actual
and a relative (%) data value.
Advanced CAN functions
The advanced settings should only be changed by system experts who have detailed knowledge of the CAN bus
system, protocol and the XDi-net specification. Via this menu, it is possible to adapt the PDO converter settings to
other CAN sensors, for example angle transmitters with slightly different CAN settings.
Conversion mode:
defines which CAN bus contains the azimuth angle TPDO. It may be set to CAN1&CAN2 ON,
CAN1 ON, CAN2 ON or OFF. If the converter is set up to OFF then the XDi-net function previously described can
be used as input instead. Without interference from the defined TPDO, that maybe is used for something else in
this CAN system.
Encoder TPDO/RPDO:
defines the COBID of the TPDO or RPDO that the PDO converter is receiving data from,
all valid COBIDs for TPDOs and RPDOs is basically supported. But please note the restrictions on all RPDO1s
(COBID 0x200 to 0x27F) when XDi-net is active. Please see the XDi-net/CANopen reference manual for details.
PDO data format:
can be either
type “Signed” or “Unsigned”. For CAN angle transmitters (encoders), this defines
where the zero point reference point is located
after a “zero set” is performed. Transmitters using signed will have
zero reference in 0, and unsigned will have zero reference in ½ data range. For example, an encoder transmitting a
unsigned 12 bit value will have zero at 2047, and the full data range is 0 to 4095.
In some cases, the control system will transmit the angle data as an absolute angle e.g. +/-1800 in a in a TPDO, in
that case you must adjust the PDO converter settings accordingly.
CAN data field length:
this must match the CAN data resolution of the used angle transmitter. The XDi supports
any resolution from 10 to 16 bits. (DEIF RTC type angle transmitters use full 16 bit resolution for optimal accuracy)
Mapped data. LSB located at bit no.:
defines where the 10 to 16 bits of data are located in the 8 byte data frame
of a TPDO or RPDO. If data is located in byte 0 and 1, then data is not mapped, and this value is 0. If data however
is located in byte 2 and 3, then this parameter must be set up as 16. This makes the converter read data of the
specified length starting at bit 16 (LSB location of the 2 byte data).
CANopen PDO converter synchronisation via XDi-net
Data sent in a PDO is already available for all XDi units on the CAN bus and can be received by all XDi units each
using a PDO converter. However, if the received data need to be corrected via menu, for example the zero set of