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In the above example the wind speed data will also be routed via a similar fall-back switch. The wind indicator can
also be designed so that the active wind sensor (source name) is shown on the screen. If data is received from the
wind sensor via NMEA the sensor data shown on the screen can be controlled by simply powering the wind sensor
that you want to see data from. Alternatively, a switch on NMEA input data lines can be used to switch between the
3 wind sensors.
Source shift via CANopen.
In manual mode it is also possible to control the active source by a CANopen
parameter. Contact DEIF to get the details if you have a need for that. The parameter to used depends on the
selected VI and VS profile in a given library.
To illustrate how the fall-back functions works in more detail, we will look at an example from our standard
navigation library.
– Fall-back function used in the standard heading indicator library.
In the XDi 144/192 N Standard heading library it is possible to connect up to 3 heading sources (Gyro1, Gyro2 and
Mag. compass) to the traditional heading repeaters.
The source selection is default setup to be automatic, in this case the 1
priority source is selected if it is available
and if it is unavailable 2
priority is used and if that one also drops out the 3
priority is used.
From the XDi menu, it is possible to make a manual fixed selection of a source or change the priority order.
The following example shows the input adjust for VI002 in the standard heading library.
To view or change the multi-source and fall-
back function, enter “Adjust input” in the installation menu:
Note: In fact, the fall-back switch delivers
the wind angle to a “Data switch index”
where the direction pointer is getting its
angle value, but it clutters the drawing
unnecessarily .