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10.2 Day/Night Colour shift
In the XDi library, each indicator will normally be defined with at least day and night colour designs, but it is even
possible to add a design for dusk conditions if needed.
The intension of the colour shift in combination with the backlight dimming is to optimise visibility and contrast in
any ambient light condition on a ship
’s bridge.
For example, in daytime: black text, scale and pointer boundary on a white background and full backlight will
provide a very clear readability. Where during nighttime, white text and scale, orange pointer on a black
background combined with the right dimmer level, provides a clear view even in the darkest night conditions and
without jeopardising the night vision of the officers on the bridge.
Dusk may be used to optimise the readability in the grey twilight, but if the virtual indicator is well designed, it is
really not necessary.
Virtual indicator colour modes
The indicator colour mode can be set to:
1. Separate Dimmer & Colour
2. Auto Day/Dusk/Night
3. Auto Day/Night