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AX1 has two analogue input ports that can be configured for either current in the range +/-20 mA or voltage in the
range +/-30 V. In addition, a third analogue voltage input is available.
Input 1 and 2 are always used as instrument inputs, where input 3 is earmarked for analogue dimmer input, if
analogue dimmer is preconfigured in the selected product profile (PP).
All inputs are fully calibrated, so if input 3 is not used for analogue dimmer in the actual XDi product configuration,
this input may be configured as a normal voltage input for a virtual indicator, in the VI-setup (VS) profile.
The AX1 module also includes a voltage reference output that may be used as voltage supply for either a dimmer
potentiometer or a potentiometer providing input for an indicator, for example a rudder indicator.
The pre-configuration of an AX1 module must be available in the selected VS or PP profile for the module to work,
but it is also possible to change some selections and adjust parameters from the XDi menu.
The AX1 electrical details can be found in the XDi data sheet and connection and setup menus are found later in
this document.
Digital data input (5)
The DX1 Digital I/O module has two isolated inputs that can be preconfigured as data inputs. It is also possible to
preconfigure them as control data inputs.
The digital input can be preconfigured in the VS profile as an RPM pickup input, for example for direct connection
to an inductive pickup.
It is either as a single RPM input (one direction) or as a double input (forward/reverse direction). In the VS profile,
the input mode and pre-set parameters for converting the input pulses to an RPM value are predefined.
The scaling parameters can be adjusted via the XDi installation menu.
Alternatively, the two digital inputs can also be used for control of special indicator functions, for example control
input to hide a data readout or activate a predefined label.
It is also possible to configure the two inputs as a dimmer contact pair, making it possible to step dimmer level up
and down and change colour pallet; this must be defined in the PP.
The digital inputs can either be defined as data/control inputs for a virtual indicator in a VS profile or as dimmer
contact inputs for the XDi product as defined in the PP. They can of course only have one function at a time.
The DX1 electrical details can be found in the XDi data sheet, and connection and setup menus are found later in
this document.
NMEA serial data input (6)
When the NX2 NMEA input/output extension module is snapped on the XDi rear plate, NMEA serial input data is
made available. The NMEA interface can be setup to comply with either IEC61162-1 (Normal) or IEC61162-2
(High speed), the data protocol for the 2 standards are the same .
The XDi-N version has support for all NMEA functions described in this document, where XDi-D and XDi-M have
only support for a few data types via NMEA input.
For XDi-D only 2 data types are supported. In addition, the dimmer can also be controlled via NMEA input is a
product profile supporting this is selected.
In general, the XDi-library installed in the XDi must have product profiles that supports the NMEA data types and
sentences for NX2 NMEA input to work.
Propeller RPM instance 1 is located in Object index/sub-index: 0x3081-0x02 and always
defined as absolute value with a resolution of 0.1 RPM, giving a max. of +/-3276.5 RPM.