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If the NX1 module was mounted in Slot 1, then
“Slot1 Port1” can be selected.
The transmit interval can be changed in fixed steps from 50 ms to 1 s (or output can be Disabled).
You must consider the very limited bandwidth of the NMEA0183 port running at 4800 bps. Update every 1 sec. is
often used for data not changing that fast. Where compass data in some cases is transmitted every 50msec (20
times per second), in such cases the high speed NMEA standard IEC 61162-2 with 38400 bps is often used.
11.13.3 NMEA input setup (NX2 only)
If you make changes in your installation or want to change to use another NMEA input source or adjust the setup
parameters, you must access the installation menu and make the changes.
Change NMEA input source using the NMEA installation menu
Press button 1 and 4 simultaneously for approximately 5 seconds to open the user menu.