cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Cytomedix warrants that all reasonable care has been taken in the manufacture
of the Cytomedix Angel
Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma (cPRP) System, as
required by the nature of the system and the use for which the system is intended.
Cytomedix warrants that the Cytomedix Angel
Concentrated Platelet Rich
Plasma (cPRP) System is capable of functioning as indicated in the current
instructions for use when used in accordance with such instructions by a qualified
medical professional and before the expiration date indicated on the packaging of
any component thereof.
Cytomedix makes no guarantee that: (1) a user of the Cytomedix Angel
Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma (cPRP) System will use the system correctly,
or (2) an incorrect diagnosis or therapy and/or the particular physical and
biological hematological characteristics of an individual patient, do not affect the
performance and effectiveness of the system with damaging consequences for
the patient, even though the specified instructions for use have been respected,
and Cytomedix hereby disclaims any liability or responsibility for any such
consequences resulting therefrom.
Limits to the warranty with regard to product use by the buyer and/or user
a) The safety standards applicable for the purpose of this warranty shall
be those enforced in the Country where the device is addressed by the
Manufacturer at the time of marketing of such device.
b) In Europe, safety as regards electrical and mechanical hazards, explosions
and fires, with respect to medical electrical equipment, is defined by the
following harmonized standard:
EN 60601-1: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: general requirements for
safety which implements the requirements of the International Standard
IEC 601-1: Safety of medical electrical equipment-Part 1: general
requirements issued by I.E.C., International Electrotechnical Committee, and
already transposed by C.E.I., Comitato Elettrot ecnico Italiano, such as: CEI
62-5: Apparecchi elettromedicali-Parte 1: nor me generali per la sicurezza
Such standards apply to medical electrical equipment intended for use by
or under the control of qualified personnel in the immediate proximity of the
patient and in relation to the patient him/herself (by proximity it is meant the
area within 2.5 m from the patient).
c) Each unit manufactured by Cytomedix undergoes safety tests as prescribed
by the relevant standard IEC 601.1, the results of which are available from
d) Any requests for specific measurements of safety parameters different
from those above quoted shall be analyzed and assessed by Cytomedix as
appropriate and, in the event of these being accepted by Cytomedix, shall be
expounded in a specific statement.
Technical safety standards applicable for the purpose of the warranty