cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Before You Get Started
The company accepts responsibility for the safety, reliability and performance of this
equipment only if operational procedures, calibrations and repairs are performed by
appropriately qualified persons; if all equipment modifications are authorized in writing
by the company and performed by appropriately qualified persons; if the electrical
installation of the relevant room complies with all applicable local electrical codes;
and if the equipment is used in accordance with the published instructions for use.
Should you require technical assistance, contact your Customer Service Representative.
Service Information
Cytomedix, Inc.
Customer Service Response Center
209 Perry Parkway, Suite 7
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 USA
Telephone: +1 877-865-9927
Telephone: +1 301-917-6860
Fax: +1 240-499-2690
If for any reason this product must be returned to Cytomedix, Inc., a returned goods
authorization (RGA) number is required from Cytomedix, Inc. prior to shipping.
If the product has been in contact with blood or body fluids, it must be thoroughly
cleaned and disinfected before packing. It should be shipped in either the original carton,
or an equivalent carton, to prevent damage during shipment; and it should be properly
labeled with an RGA number and an indication of the biohazardous nature of the
contents of the shipment.
Instructions for cleaning and materials, including appropriate shipping containers, proper
labeling and an RGA number may be obtained from the Cytomedix, Inc. Customer
Service Response Center (877-865-9927) or [email protected].
It is the responsibility of the health care institution to adequately
prepare and identify the product for return shipment . Do not return
products that have been exposed to blood-borne infectious diseases .
The shipping address for returned goods is:
Cytomedix, Inc.
Customer Service Response Center
209 Perry Parkway, Suite 7
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 USA
Telephone: +1 877-865-9927
Telephone: +1 301-917-6860
Fax: +1 240-499-2690
Return of Used Product