cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Light sensor calibration
The Light sensor
calibration failure
alarm is displayed if
the platelet sensor is
not able to calibrate
itself. Three reasons
for this are that (1) the
user has not loaded the
disposable set correctly,
(2) the platelet sensor is
dirty, or (3) the platelet
sensor is too close to an
external light source.
If the disposable set
is not yet installed,
install it according
to the instructions in
Chapter 2: Installing the
Disposables. Make sure
that the platelet cuvette
is securely in place, and
that the valve assembly
is properly mounted.
Ensure that the platelet
sensor is at least 8
feet (1 meter) from all
external light sources.
If the alarm is still
present, clean the
platelet sensor then
reinstall the disposable
set. (Please see the
“Note” on 6-8)
Machine temp
If the Angel
Concentrated Platelet
Rich Plasma (cPRP)
System’s temperature
is detected to be
unacceptably high, the
Machine temp alarm is
Power down the Angel
cPRP System for a
short time before any
further processing.
If this alarm does not
resolve itself, contact
the Cytomedix, Inc.
Customer Service
Response Center.
Plate locking error
If the separation
chamber plate is
improperly attached to
the centrifuge adapter,
this alarm sounds.
Turn separation chamber
clockwise until position
indicator snaps into place.
Touch the Movie icon to
see an animation which
demonstrates how to
properly load and lock the
separation chamber plate.
PPP bag full
If more than 300 ml
of fluid has been
pumped into the PPP
Compartment of the
reservoir bag, the
PPP bag full alarm is
Empty the PPP
Compartment of the
reservoir bag, and then
continue processing.
Pump direction error
If the pump rotation is
detected to be in the
wrong direction, the
Pump direction error
alarm is sounded.
This alarm indicates a
hardware failure. If it
does not resolve itself,
contact the Cytomedix,
Inc. Customer Service
Response Center.