cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Programability Option
“Make this the default (wakeup) protocol” Button
Touching the “Make this the default (wakeup) protocol” button
will set the current protocol as the wakeup protocol. Whenever
the Angel
Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma (cPRP) System is turned on, the
wakeup protocol will be used by default.
“Modify RPM/Time” Button
Touching the “Modify RPM/Time” button will allow the four RPM
and Spin Time parameters to be modified. Once touched, it will
become disabled and the “Restore” button will become enabled.
“Restore” Button
Touching the “Restore” button will restore the values of the four
RPM and Spin Time parameters to the recommended Standard
Protocol values. Once touched, it will become disabled, the four RPM and Spin
Time parameters will become disabled, and the “Modify RPM/Time” button will
become enabled.
The name of the currently loaded protocol is displayed to the left of
the Protocol pull-down button. Touching the Protocol pull-down button
will display a list of available protocols; touching the Protocol pull-down button a
second time collapses the list. Touch a protocol’s name in the list to select it as the
current protocol which you can then edit, rename, or copy.
3. Protocol Pull-Down Button
Touching the Close button will exit the Menu Screen, returning to the
previously displayed screen.
4. Close Button
Touch the Up Arrow button and Down Arrow button to increase
and decrease, respectively, the value of the currently selected
protocol parameter. Changes are saved automatically.
5-6. Up and Down Arrow Buttons
Touching the Info button will bring up an Info Screen containing contextual
help. Touching the Close button from the Info Screen will return you to the
“Protocols” tab displayed screen.
7. Info Button