cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Pump overcurrent
If the pump current is
detected to be too high,
the Pump overcurrent
alarm is sounded.
Check to see if
the pump rotor is
jammed, and clear
any obstructions. If
this alarm does not
resolve itself, contact
the Cytomedix, Inc.
Customer Service
Response Center.
Pump overspeed
If the pump speed is
detected to be faster
than commanded, the
Pump overspeed alarm
is sounded.
This alarm indicates a
hardware failure. If it
does not resolve itself,
contact the Cytomedix,
Inc. Customer Service
Response Center.
Pump rotor
If the pump rotor is not
engaged, or not turning,
the Pump rotor alarm
will be sounded.
Remove the pump loop
tubing from around the
pump rotor. Press the
pump rotor down, and
turn clockwise until
it is engaged. Place
the pump loop tubing
around the pump rotor.
Pump underspeed
If the pump speed is
detected to be slower
than commanded, the
Pump underspeed
alarm is sounded.
This alarm indicates a
hardware failure. If it
does not resolve itself,
contact the Cytomedix,
Inc. Customer Service
Response Center.
RBC bag full
If more than 400 ml
of fluid has been
pumped into the RBC
Compartment of the
reservoir bag, the
RBC bag full alarm
is sounded.
Empty the RBC
Compartment of the
reservoir bag, and then
continue processing.
Valve position error
If the valve assembly
is detected to be in
the wrong position, the
Valve position error
alarm is sounded. An
icon indicating where
the valve assembly
should be, along with
an arrow pointing in
the direction it must be
moved, is displayed.
The Angel
System will automatically
reposition the valve
assembly driver to the
correct position when
you select the green
resume button.
If that fails, manually
turn the valve assembly
handle in the direction
indicated by the alarm
Angel Operator’s Manual
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
The procedures outlined below are intended to help you identify and correct
alarms and other conditions that may occur during operation of the Angel Whole
Blood Separation System.
Alarms and Notifications
Alarm icons appear as buttons in the alarm area of the Angel ’s touch screen
display. Touching an alarm icon will display the Info Screen containing description
and response information for that alarm. That information is also presented in the
table below. Some alarms have corresponding instructional videos associated
with them which can be viewed from the Info Screen by touching the Movie icon at
the lower-right corner of the screen.
Air during empty
If air is unexpectedly detected
in the line during the empty
phase of a processing cycle,
then the pump is paused and
the Air during empty alarm
Check for breaks or
occlusions in the line and
verify pump header is loaded.
If none are found, then you
may continue processing by
touching the green resume
If the centrifuge speed is
detected to be faster than
commanded, the Centrifuge
overspeed alarm is sounded.
This alarm indicates a
hardware failure. If it does not
resolve itself, contact the
Cytomedix, Inc. Customer
Service Response Center.
If the centrifuge speed is
detected to be slower than
commanded, the Centrifuge
underspeed alarm is
This alarm indicates a
hardware failure. If it does not
resolve itself, contact the
Cytomedix, Inc. Customer
Service Response Center.