Unreliable readings (Inaccurate NIBP) Continued
Unstable blood pressure
Verify patient for reciprocal pulsations or respiratory alterations.
Patient Physiology
Patient’s pulse pressure may not be adequate for monitor to
allow TBP measurements. Continue with oscillometric measurements.
Calibration (NIBP)
Check the calibration of the NIBP transducer
Deflation Speed
Check for internal leaks and deflation speed.
Cuff does not inflate
Cuff hose may have
Check all connections and hoses for damage
a faulty connection
Cuff may have a leak
Check connections and replace is faulty
Sheet switch is defective
Verify depression of Start/Stop button. Replace defective
sheet switch.
Power supply failure
Verify output voltages, repair or replace power supply.
Pump failure
Verify that when 12 Vdc is applied to pump, pump starts
Main Board failure
Verify that when Start/Stop switch is depressed, 12 Vdc
is applied between pins 1 and 2 of CN3. Replace defective
Main board.
Overall Battery Life is suspect
Battery charge rate low
Verify charge voltage to the battery is from 14.2-14.8 Vdc.
The battery is defective
Replace defective battery. You can test the battery by
completing the following steps:
1. Test the battery with a battery analyzer.
2. Verify that once charged the battery voltage remains
above 12 Volts and does not continue to fall.
3. Place the unit into the Safety timer test, run the test
three times, each time verify the battery voltage stays
above 12 volts.