7.0 Calibration Verification for Press-Mate, Genius, and FILAC
Although the Press-Mate Model 8800 series of monitors have been factory calibrated for all of the test modes by
the manufacturer, it is advisable that users verify the calibrations of these various test modes prior to using the
monitor to ensure optimum performance.
7.1 Beginning Procedure: Press-Mate
To verify calibrations in the various test modes, you must first access the built-in test menu by executing the
following sequence of events, thereby initiating and completing the self-test procedure. Some tests do require a
calibrated manometer, a dummy cuff, and/or a rubber inflation bulb. To gain access to the menu:
1. Ensure the monitor is plugged into the AC power source.
2. Push the “ON” button on the front panel to activate the unit. If the battery is discharged, connect the unit to
the AC outlet.
3. Set systolic “HI” alarm limit to 240 mmHg and “LO” alarm limit to 160 mmHg. (See Section 4.5 Alarm
Settings for more information on how to set the alarm limits)
4. Turn the unit off by pressing the “OFF” button on the front panel.
5. Depress and hold the “START/STOP” button while simultaneously pressing the “ON” button. Do not
release the “START/STOP” switch until the self-test procedure is completed, which will be indicated in the
LCD window.
When the self-test procedure is complete, the unit will automatically enter the verification test mode. Each test
will be displayed on the LCD while its test number is represented by each time interval displayed on the
INTERVAL LEDs. With the use of the Interval up “
“ and down “
“, select the test you would like to begin,
Then press the “START/STOP” switch to begin the test. As each test is completed, progress through the menu
to subsequent tests by pressing the INTERVAL up “
“and down “
“ switches.
NOTE: If adjustments are needed to bring the test values into calibration, contact COLIN’S
Technical Services Department for assistance.
NOTE: Verification procedures in some test modes require the concurrent use of a calibrated
manometer and a pressure-bulb hand pump along with a 700 cc or 220 cc dummy cuff, and Data
Interface test connector. These items, except for the calibrated manometer, are included in
COLIN MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS’ Calibration Test Kit (part # C0690003A)