Raw Power Supplies
The input to the raw power supplies is VCC, which is a switched-capacitor voltage converter operating in
separate multiply and invert modes in conjunction with supporting circuitry. U23 inverts Vcc and outputs raw -5
V. Raw 10 V is derived by voltage doubling Vcc with CR14, CR19, CR20, and CR78. Raw 12 V is derived by
voltage tripling Vcc with CR15, Q8, Q9, C96, C81, R119, and R120.
The raw power supplies are used as bias supplies for the SpO
analog section and are not tightly regulated. The
normal operating range of the raw power supplies are:
raw -5.0 V
-6.0 V to -4.0 V
raw 10.0 V
7.5 V to 11.0 V
raw 12.0 V
12.0 V to 15.0 V
High Voltage Supply
The input power for the high voltage supply is provided by the batteries (VBAT). The high voltage supply is a
switched-inductor voltage regulator (U26) that operates in conjunction with a capacitive voltage doubler to output
72 VDC + 5%. To protect against a runaway voltage condition, CR25 clamps U26's output to a safe level.
Serial Interface
The serial interface is only used for test purposes, and is not at the RS-232 level, neither is it electrically isolated
and, therefore, cannot be used when the unit is connected to a patient. The serial data port JP1 is a TTL level
serial interface. RXD and TXD are configured as a standard asynchronous serial transmitter and receiver at
19.2 Kbaud with 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, and no parity. The serial interface can operate in full duplex mode.
Ferrite beads L6, L7, and capacitors C120, C121 provide ESD protection for the CPU. If no serial port is
connected, R128 pulls RXD input low; this action prevents an unused input from floating.
Analog Reference Voltage
U32 provides an accurate, regulated voltage that is used as the reference voltage for the A/D inside the CPU.
Filtering is provided by C6, C12, and R124. The voltage output VREF is 5 V.
Ambient Light
Diode D8 is a photodiode that is used to measure ambient light. Q8, R68, and R136 provide current gain for D8s
photocurrent. The amplified photocurrent flowing through R136 creates a voltage drop, which is measured by
the CPU. The CPU continually monitors the light source output at AMB LIGHT (TP72). Under low ambient
light conditions, the CPU automatically switches on the display backlight.
Ambient Temperature
U5 is a precision-temperature sensor. It outputs (PR TEMP) a voltage proportional to the ambient temperature,
which is 10 mV per degree centigrade. For example, at a room temperature of 25ºC, the U5 output would be
250 mV. U5 is used whenever an optional printer is installed, because the printer is a thermal printer, ambient
temperature must be compensated for.